Got this message from a subscriber:
[pullquote align=”normal”]“I am trying to do money online but I have no experience and I feel a bit lost… At the moment I feel frustrated because I do not have enough money to do what I want and I cannot stay without doing nothing, I always was a workaholic and I would like to create an income online but I do not know how and I was wondering if you can help.” [/pullquote]
I totally get her struggle — I am also a bit of a workaholic and I understand how hard it must be, having a burning desire to work but not knowing where or how to apply your energy.
There are so many ways to make money online and in a way that’s part of the problem.
Information overload, anyone?
The method you choose depends very much on your skills and personality and, not knowing her, I don’t know what these are. But what I *can* do is reveal what worked (and continues to work) for me.
The first success I had online was with an authority website (in the property investment education niche) I built on the SBI! platform. To date this is the single most profitable online project I have done and I have since used it to build a great, sustainable business.
The site I built generates affiliate revenue but most importantly, I used it to build a list (a list is arguably the most valuable asset you can possess in online business), which grows by anything up to 20 fresh leads every day, on autopilot, with free traffic. I then promote products, services and training to that list as an affiliate.
Sounds great. But it was a heck of a lot of work. To make SBI! work, you gotta like writing. Notice I said “like”, not *be good at*. You don’t have to be good at writing, they teach you that. You just need to like it. Or at least not mind it, anyway!
Here’s a review I did of SBI! on the blog:
The core of what I do is really email marketing. In the IM niche, I get some leads from my Marketer Maker blog but find it faster to build my list using paid traffic from the likes of Traffic Authority (review here) and solo ads, which I then store in my Pure Leverage autoresponder and promote various offers to, again as an affiliate.
That said…
If you hate writing (apart from the odd email), then this works like gangbusters…
Happy husslin’
John Wilson
P.S. The post above was an email that went out to my list; if you’d like to get internet marketing and business tips of the less-ordinary variety to your inbox every day, simply sign up here.