Free Custom Blog

Generating MLM leads online is all about branding *yourself*… Leading with *you* and not your opportunity.

The best way – bar none – of doing this is by having your own blog.

This was one of the mistakes I made in the first couple of failed attempts I made at building online. I knew a blog was an option but I thought I could short-cut it and not bother setting one up.

How wrong I was.

Even if you’re not planning on getting free leads with your blog, using SEO, a blog is still essential in my opinion.

It serves to position you as an expert (by the posting of helpful content for your readers) and helps your prospects get to know who you are and what you’re about… Before they make that crucial decision to work with you.

So, to make it easier for you, I am offering you a free custom blog. All you have to do is order your hosting through my link then contact us to let me know and we’ll get your blog set up for you.


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