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MLM Online Attraction Marketing
[uh–trak-shuh n mahr-ki-ting ]
The beautiful act of becoming irresistibly attractive in the eyes of your prospects so that they seek you out versus you having to go out and chase prospects. You become the hunted instead of the hunter. No more rejection.
I have a confession…
I am an introvert.
Introverts aren’t meant to do well at network marketing.
And true to form, I didn’t. I failed 3 times in fact. Twice with the same freakin’ MLM!
But then I built an organisation of 161 people in 12 months (part time) *without* harassing my family, without losing my friends and without chasing people.
How did that happen?
Simple. I discovered attraction marketing and started building my MLM online.
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Put simply, attraction marketing consists of giving your audience value, which positions you as a leader and in turn leads people to contact you to work with you. Instead of the other way round.
Famous marketer Peter Drucker once said, “The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.”
I often think that people in this business forget that it’s called network marketing and not network sales. [pullquote align=”right”]It’s network marketing, not network sales…[/pullquote]
We want to get our marketing message so finely tuned and give so much value that we do not need to “sell” our prospects (or overcome objections).
Instead, they come to us as fully formed customers or reps raring to do business with us.
Shift Your Mindset
Attraction marketing (AM) requires a bit of a mindset shift from the traditional way of doing things. Most MLMs teach us to pitch anything with a pulse. But AM rejects that and says that we lead with value, instead of our opportunity.
Practically, getting MLM online attraction marketing set up is consists of the components:
- a way to provide value to an audience
- traffic (your audience)
- a way to keep in touch with that audience
- monetize
- attract reps to your business
- get help.
Personally, I am a bit obsessed with automating the whole process as much as possible and this site is all about the tools and methods that I use to do that.
I’m not saying never expose your business to your warm market. Just do it when it seems natural and out of choice… Not need!
1. Provide Insane Value
OK, so you might be asking: how do I provide value if I have no experience or track record? Well, that’s a great question but fortunately it’s a problem that has been solved by our friends at MLSP.
Basically, you need to give away something of value to your audience in exchange for their email address (and possibly phone number too).
This could be a training course or an ebook, “How to Prospect on Facebook” for example.
Once you have that email address, you continue to give value to your prospect until they know, like and trust you enough to do business with you.
2. Build Your Audience
One might think that the audience we need to target is opportunity seekers.
Well, yes and no.
The most effective strategy is actually to target people in the network marketing business (and people looking to get involved).
The reason being, that they know what MLM is and are already sold on the business model. Put it this way: they’re not going to be screaming “pyramid” or “scam” at you! Sound good?
Don’t get me wrong, we’re not talking about poaching reps from other companies here. We’re not leading with our opportunity, remember.
It’s often said that people will try 7 or 8 different MLMs before they finally find success. This way, you are in front of them when your prospect starts to think about making a change. Not only that, but you’ve given value upon value and positioned yourself as a leader so you’ll be a natural choice.
In the online world, finding your audience is called “driving traffic”. There are dozens, if not hundreds of ways to do this; both “free” and paid. I go into some of the best and easiest of these in more detail below.
3. Keep in Touch With Them
Once you “capture” your audience, by far the best way to do this is by email marketing. This is done using something called an “autoresponder”. An autoresponder really just provides a place to store your email addresses and a way to send emails to them.
You can automate this process by setting up a series of emails to be sent to your audience (or “list” as we call it in email marketing) at specified time delays after they are added.
4. Monetize Your Leads
One of the amazing things about AM is that we can earn from the 90%+ of prospects that say no to our opportunity. How so? We sell useful, relevant products to them.
It used to be that if you wanted to do that, you had to create products yourself. But again, the nice guys over at MLSP have us covered.
That’s MLM online attraction marketing in a nutshell. If you’re excited to know more, then I recommend you hop on my boot camp as I go into things in a bit more detail and show you exactly how I implement MLM online attraction marketing in my own business.
5. Watch MLM Online Attraction Marketing in Action!
Now that you’ve provided value to your audience and positioned yourself as a leader… Sit back and watch as your prospects magically come to you and ask to be involved in your business.
6. Need Help?
No value to give? No products to sell?
No problem, take my free bootcamp and discover a shortcut I use to solve that problem.
So In Summary…
Old way:
Get up, find 100 ways to avoid picking up the phone. Make uncomfortable phone call to friend you’ve not spoken to in years. They think you’re weird. You feel like crap. Go to bed sad :(
New way:
Get up, check inbox, have dozens of fresh leads, call someone who actually wants to work with you, has respect for you as a leader and is ready to go, sign them up, go to bed happy :)
Over to You
Can you see the benefits of MLM online attraction marketing? Can you see yourself trying it in your business? Or do you think you’ll stick to the old way?
Leave me a quick comment below to let me know your thoughts.
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