
Importance of Emailing Every Day and Accountability


I owe you an apology…

No. 1, I’m sorry that you’ve not heard much from me since you signed up.

But I need to apologize to myself as much as I do to you…

You see, I’ve been slacking a bit in my online bidniz for the last few months. I’d been travelling for a while, I got married and then went on honeymoon (as you do)…

Yes, boo hoo, I know…

And yes, I was blessed that the passive income from said bidniz allowed me to do all that slacking (six emails sent to one of my lists whilst away virtually paid for our honeymoon)…

(Again, boo hoo.)

But now it’s time to get back to el hussle!

And part of that means that I’ll be writing more emails.

I’m aiming for one every weekday (gasp!), so if you are shy of a few missives in your inbox of the “less ordinary” variety then do yourself a favour and unsubscribe right now by clickety-clicking the link at the bottom of this email.


For the hardier breeds out there that are still with me (that’s you, sunshine), there are two small lesson-ettes tucked away in the paragraph above:

Lesson #1 — if you have a list, you’re doing yourself (and your list, funnily enough) a big disservice by not emailing them every day (more of which later, probably)

Lesson #2 — if you let someone know that you’re gonna do something (like I just did to you) then you’re more likely to do it (cos I’m gonna look pretty darn silly if you don’t hear from me again tomorrow)

Otherwise, stay tuned for more of what you *need* to hear and less of what you *want* to hear. That is, fawning “X-purts” telling you “it’s not your fault” that you’re not making any dineros online (gimme a break, the day you wake up and realise it *is* your fault is the day you turn your fortunes around).

But sadly most won’t and prefer to have their lug-holes tickled with that kind of Bravo Sierra.

Anyway, if you’re ready to get a-husslin’ with me then check out the linky-link below…

John Wilson

P.S. The post above was an email that went out to my list; if you’d like to get internet marketing and business tips of the less-ordinary variety to your inbox every day, simply sign up here.

About the author 

I'm John Wilson and I am a full time internet marketer and home business entrepreneur based between Scotland and California. My aim with this blog is to help you to grow your business online, just like I did. Read my full story here.

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